Download The Book PDF

Proclaim The Gospel of the Kingdom
We are offering The Gospel Worth Dying For as a free PDF download. It is a compilation of key themes related to the Gospel of the Kingdom of God for you to review and share. Topics include:
- why Jesus (Yeshua) had to die
- the location of heaven
- biblical cosmology
- the resurrection of the dead
- the importance of the Law (Torah)
- the second death
- the function of angels in ministry
- what happens when you die
- agency and prolepsis
- new jerusalem and the bride of Christ
It is our belief that the reason most people today are hesitant to share the Gospel message is because they are unable to explain it in a way that goes beyond the death, burial, and resurrection of Yeshua. And yet, this is something that we as believers are expected to do as part of our earthly mission during our lifetime.
And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the Good News to every creature. He who has believed and has been immersed, shall be saved, but he who has not believed shall be condemned.” Mark 16:15,16 (TS2009)
Long before email or social media, believers in Messiah spread the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom “face-to-face.” Rome could not stop the unbridled enthusiasm of these new believers who proclaimed this glorious message all over the world. It is our prayer that you will follow their lead and do the same.
To download the PDF, complete the form below. If you would prefer The Gospel Worth Dying For in paperback, you may purchase it here.
Correction: On page 225, second paragraph, the reference to the 8th-day Addition initiated by Jacob should be Jubilees 32: 25-29 instead of Jubilees 66:25-29.