The Gospel Worth Dying For

The Book
burning bush

The Gospel of the Kingdom

When Moses had his “burning bush” experience it changed the trajectory of his life forever. Fully comprehending the Gospel of the Kingdom message that Yeshua preached will do the same for you.

Rather than view this book as an academic paper, think of it as our combined testimonies. It contains information and revelation we have uncovered following years of frustration and prayer. We do not expect you to believe everything written. After all, we are on individual faith journeys and are at different levels of understanding. We only ask that you approach this book with an open mind.

We ask you to challenge us, religious tradition, religious doctrine, and even your thinking about how you do “church.” Some of the material contained in the book may trigger you. We expect that and some pushback.

All we ask is that you take the time to follow the footnotes and utilize the resource materials referenced in Appendix IV of the book to assist you in your examination of what we have written. The appendices found in the back of the book include bonus content that examines the mark of the beast, the resurrection as seen in the death of the Monarch butterfly, and the feasts of Yah (including the weekly Sabbath).

Our heart is to offer this book free of charge as a PDF . However, we realize that some of you will prefer reading from a book, so we have made the book available in paperback. Our hope is that you will partner with us in spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom by sending friends and family to this website for their copies of the book in either format.

Abba willing, we have plans to add an audio version of the book to this website in the near future. We want to hear your feedback and suggestions on how we all can start practicing our Messiah Yeshua’s righteous behavior as we look forward to citizenship in his and the Father’s coming Kingdom.

Sherry, you’re truly a blessing from our Father in Heaven! We love you dearly! Your book is wonderful and Rob & I look forward to reading it daily. Thank you so very much for gifting your book to us! Will always cherish it and how the Holy Spirit worked through you sisters and dearest friend to get it all through to those who get to read it.

Rob and Nadya

Missouri, USA

Thank you ladies for taking the time to dig deep and gather together all the pieces of the story of the Gospel of the Kingdom into an easy to read and understand book. You can really see the work of the Holy Spirit in this writing! I love reading it to my boys and appreciate the questions they ask about the Bible as a result. May Yah continue to bless the works of your hands!
Amanda K.

Oklahoma, USA

The Book’s Backstory

When you set out to write anything in the category of religious or biblical commentary you can expect pushback. It is human nature to reject new information. However, the irony is that the information that we chose to share with you in The Gospel Worth Dying For is not new. It is very old. Even ancient. It’s just that most of us living today have either not been properly schooled in Old Testament literature or exposed to so-called Apocryphal or Pseudepigraphal writings. Some of us were warned to stay away from these books and not to go near the book of Revelation. We suspect that this is a form of fear based mind control and manipulation.

One of Brenda’s biggest frustrations over the years was rooted in a failure to find a church that taught the Bible in context — cover to cover — Genesis to Revelation. Soundbite theology and church traditions stifled spiritual growth. As a result, much of what was shared in sermons from the New Testament was confusing. We were taught by some that the God of the Old Testment was constantly changing his mind relative to his plan for humanity in the form of dispensationalism. He was an angry God. We were told it was important to obey the Ten Commandments. But once we joined the church system, we were told that the Law had been done away with.

Fast forward to 2016. In the Father’s divine wisdom, and through the orchestration of the Holy Spirit, we three friends met while following a certain online ministry. Recognizing that we had much in common, we began to hold weekly Bible studies via iPhone. At the time Sylvia lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Brenda was in Houston, and Sherry lived in Rockport, Texas.

In the Fall of 2020 we realized that we did not want to be the sort of believers who were content with collecting information about the Scriptures. We wanted to share what we had learned with others. So, the Holy Spirit put it on our hearts to write a book — something none of us had ever done before.

We are not Bible teachers or Bible scholars. We are just three women who love the Word and want to obey Yeshua’s command to make disciples for the Kingdom. This book is in essence our testimony. It is our sincere hope that you will keep this in mind as you turn the pages of The Gospel Worth Dying For and thoroughly test what we have written. Every. Single. Word.


About The Authors

Brenda Ross

Brenda Ross is a former major market radio and television broadcaster who was confronted with her sins during a fiery sermon preached by a young pastor in Houston, Texas in 1985. Since that time she has made it her goal to discover the true meaning of the Gospel of the Kingdom message and share it with others. Brenda has served as Single’s Ministry Director at one of Houston’s Memorial Drive-area churches. She has been a Jews for Jesus staff volunteer. International missions activities include trips to Costa Rica, Mexico, and Changsha, China. Urban mission outreach experience includes volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity and catering to the homeless in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district.

Sylvia Rudy

Sylvia Rudy was born in Baltimore, Maryland and raised in Northern Virginia. She is the mother of two beautiful daughters and grandmother of six equally beautiful grandchildren. After spending the latter part of her adult life in New Mexico, she and her husband of 18 years have now made Texas their home.

Sherry Sanders

I was born into a loving family in the early 50s out in west Texas. My parents were good people, but they did not attend church. One of the moms in our neighborhood invited my siblings and me to attend the local Baptist church, convincing my parents to drive us there and back each week. I spent many years of my life warming the pews at that and other churches. 

Fast forward to my early fifties, when I received answers to many prayers.  I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which included forty-five minutes of uncontrolled speaking in tongues that opened my eyes and heart to the fact that I was now part of a much bigger plan.

I read the Bible through for the first time and attended many bible studies and church. However, something was missing. Lingering questions lead me to a Hebrew roots congregation where I learned a lot about the Hebrew alef-bet, Yah’s commandments, and feasts. 

This incredible journey has now led me to the Gospel of the Kingdom message, which has answered many questions. It reveals many mysteries to those who seek answers. We invite you to join us on our eternal journey.