Discipleship Blog
The city of the great King is well planted on the mountains of Zion, with the joy of the whole earth, on the sides of the north.
Psalm 48:2

Decoding the Zadok Priestly Calendar
Sacred calendars often evoke strong opinions and debates. It is clear that the Father’s intention is for these calendars to bring His children closer together, yet they frequently lead to division. This experience is not unique to us; throughout history, calendar-related disputes have been a source of contention among believers of all...

Your Search for Life’s Purpose Begins with Yeshua
During the 1992 Vice Presidential debates, retired Admiral James Stockdale1 captivated the audience by opening with two thought-provoking questions: "Who am I and Why am I here?" These questions were both relevant and timely, especially considering that most voters didn't know who the Reform Party candidate was at the time. While the reasons may...

Know Your Enemy – The Art of Spiritual Warfare
The admonition to ‘know your enemy’ can be traced back to The Art of War, a seminal work by the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, dating back to the 5th century BC. The full quote reads, "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the outcome of a hundred battles." The idea of understanding one's enemy as a vital...

Effective Prayer: A Torah Perspective, Part II
Often in preparation for effective prayer we see prayer and fasting coupled together. In Acts 13:2-3, the early church in Antioch is described as a community of believers who are worshiping Yahuah and fasting. During this time, the Holy Spirit instructs them to set apart Barnabas and Paul for the work that they are called to do. Following...

Effective Prayer: A Torah Perspective, Part I
Prayer is a familiar practice for many of us, often woven into the fabric of our daily lives. For some, it's a ritual performed multiple times throughout the day. But what motivates us to pray? I understand why I pray. I seek constant forgiveness and guidance to navigate life’s challenges and difficulties. I pray for the protection of those I...

Lost in Translation, Part 2
Many who cherish the Scriptures and wish to deepen their understanding of the Word often find themselves frustrated. The overwhelming number of Bible translations available today and conflicting doctrinal positions taken by various denominations add to the frustration. As a result, much of what God wants to communicate to His children is often...
Welcome to the GWDF Blog
YHWH has His people scattered across this earthly realm, united by their faith in our Messiah, Yeshua Ha’Mashiach. Together, we share a common language: love.
Our mission is twofold: to empower believers in Messiah to share the Gospel of the Kingdom message and to create resources that deepen their understanding of the Most High YHWH and His Son, Yeshua.
GWDF publishes the Zadok Priestly Calendar, a quarterly newsletter, and inspirational short videos on our YouTube channel. Our dedicated team of eight servant-leaders is here to support you, offering prayer and guidance for any questions you may have.
We warmly invite you to become a part of our vibrant community!