“Truth has fallen in the street!” The prophet Isaiah’s pronouncement resonates as loudly in the age in which we live as it did for ancient Israel and Judah. As is often the case, over time the rulers and judges whose job it was to promote truth and justice became derelict in their duties. As a result, the people suffered. We see the same thing happening today.
Today’s youth, particularly those from Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2021), seem to have distanced themselves from the concept of objective truth. Instead, they interpret the world through perspectives labeled as “my truth” or “your truth.” Yet, the idea of objective truth is deeply embedded in the Scriptures, first appearing in the prologue of the Gospel of John.
And the Word became flesh and pitched his tent among us, and we saw his esteem, esteem as of an only brought-forth of a father, complete in favor and truth. John/Yahanan 1:14 Halleluyah Scriptures
Actually, most of John’s writings stressed the importance of truth and its relevance to the Gospel message. In Proverbs 23:23 we are instructed to “buy the truth and sell it not.” Why? Because the Scriptures equate truth with reality, showing us how things really are in this earthly realm in which we live. In a theological sense, the notion of truth is inseparable from the character, purposes, and divine nature of Elohim. Ultimately, truth is the cornerstone of Yah’s invisible Kingdom now, and the future Millennial Kingdom on Earth, where righteousness will prevail.
Defending Truth in the Age of Deception and Misinformation
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Educator Josh Keefe has witnessed first-hand how misinformation has permeated many of today’s academic institutions. During his 16-year background in education, Josh has observed the year-by-year creep of pseudoscience into the classroom. He can also bear witness to the elevation of evolution and heliocentrism dogma over intelligent design and biblical cosmology. No longer content with the status quo, Josh is now ready to take his professional and faith life in a new direction with the launch of Creation Standard.
Q: You shared with me how wrestling seems to be a metaphor for your experience as both a student and teacher. Can you articulate how your wrestling background as a young man brought you to this point in your life?
Before I entered high school, I had struggled to pass each grade level and had no desire to go to college. Fortunately, the Father had other plans as wrestling gave me a reason to pass my classes and the motivation needed to attend college. It was also used to help teach me how to pray and keep my mind off of the distractions of this world.
Q: In your faith journey, describe how you wrestled with mainstream thought regarding evolution and geocentrism. When did you deviate from this mode of thinking based on what you believe the Scriptures say about both?
When I first started teaching, a couple of unique circumstances led to me being placed into an earth science classroom. Ironically, they handed me a globe and showed me how I could use it to teach the Coriolis effect. Fortunately, our Father’s mercy endures forever and He would eventually work some miracles in my life that would cause me to question everything that went against His truth. Evolution was the first lie to fall apart but I still needed more answers so I asked the Father to “show me the truth about creation no matter how crazy it sounds.” I can say from this experience, “be careful what you ask for” as this prayer was answered promptly. Within a couple of days, I joined a scientific community of truth seekers that were putting the sun god worshipping model to the test. It became clear that there is far more proof of Biblical cosmology than there ever was for the sun god worshipping model. I began sharing the overwhelming proof online, but of course, this is frowned upon if you’re a science teacher, so I was called to the office a total of 3 times to be reprimanded for my online teachings.
Q: Tell us about your new project The Creation Standard. On your website, you describe it as “a weapon of mass instruction.” What is this ‘weapon’ aimed at?
My goal as a teacher was to save my own students from the lies by creating lessons that would expose the fraudulent evidence of evolution for what it is while also opening their eyes to the truth of intelligent design. I knew there were other less fortunate students out there being exposed to false science, but I didn’t realize what a battlefield it was until they changed my role and placed me in classes with teachers that were teaching evolution as if it were a fact. I realized then that our children are in a war and they need to be armed with truth on a level that went beyond the students in my own classroom. This led me to envision a program that would do just that and arm students with the Father’s provable truth of creation so that it could be used as a weapon to cut through the lies of this world that are set against eliminating the Father and the son from the hearts and minds of our children.
Q: What is the ‘standard’ that this new teaching environment aspires to achieve?
Our creation standards will use the Father’s provable truth of creation to put the traditional standards to the test. Students will be using real science experiments and observations to create a foundation of truth that will protect them from the lies of this world.
Q: From a theological standpoint, truth must align with the character of Yah. Describe your approach to truth-seeking in the context of The Creation Standard. How will you help your students identify and distinguish fact from fiction or opinion? How will you help them critically assess the quality of information they’re considering to arrive at conclusions?
A big part of the journey with Creation Standard is seeking our Father’s guidance and love as we compile the evidence that supports His provable truth of creation. With this guidance at work, we’ll be putting what is deemed to be worldly facts on display and breaking down why such evidence necessitates fraud and bias.
Q: Your debut course offerings include subjects such as Earth’s Foundation, Firmamental Breakdown, Introduction to Intelligent Design, and Biological Design. In terms of teaching methodology, how do you prevent these classes from becoming indoctrination environments?
When I was a student, the scientific method wasn’t something we used often. We were instead presented with evidence that if true would go against the Bible. Instead of proving all things, we were led to “believe all things.” With Creation Standard, we will be undoing this damage by “proving all things” and letting the truth speak for itself.
Q: Describe how this virtual classroom experience will play out for both students and parents. What learning aids such as books, reading lists, and/or school supplies will be needed for this first semester?
The instruction will be available in both a pre-recorded and live lecture format. This will allow students to work at their own comfortable pace if they can’t join us live. The only essential supplies are of course the Holy Spirit’s guidance, a device to access the online classroom, and materials for documenting the learning experience.
Q: How much Bible knowledge are you expecting from students who enroll? How do you navigate the turbulent waters of ‘doctrine’ stemming from the multitudes of Bible translations available as well as denominational dogma?
I try my best to avoid using language that is for or against certain denominational beliefs. However, this is a major challenge as the students joining us have diverse backgrounds. I will not be able to accommodate all beliefs and backgrounds, but I will lean on my Father’s guidance to accomplish this task in a peaceful way.
Q: By the time this interview is published, classes will have started. Is it too late for parents to enroll their children? Is there a ‘pass/fail’ system in place as a measurement tool for growth?
It’s not too late to join, but the sooner you start, the faster you can get caught up and join the live lectures. The live interactions give students a chance to fellowship with like-minded people and partake in the fun review games that follow most lectures. There will not be penalties for missing work and most assessments are self-graded and will show students mastery upon completion. For other labs and activities, I will do my best to comment on and give grades based on completion.
Q: What is the enrollment deadline?
The course will last 10 months, but if you start late, you can finish later as well and refer back to previous lessons at any time.
Q: Any final words?
If there is anyone considering Creation Standard but doesn’t have the ability to do so due to financial reasons, please reach out to us so that we can help you start this journey. You can send us an email to: thecreationstandard@gmail.com and my wife will provide the guidance needed to get started.
Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What’s a sundial in the shade?” This analogy can also be applied spiritually, emphasizing that unused talents are of no benefit to the advancement of Yah’s Kingdom when kept hidden.
Enter Josh Boltinhouse. This talented brother in the faith is a commercial architect, who transformed his curiosity about Yah’s design of Creation into something extraordinary: miniature wooden models of the Circle of the Earth. (Isaiah 40:22, Genesis 1:6-8)
Yah often presents us with ministry opportunities that align with our unique gifts and interests. Unfortunately, many of us overlook these divine appointments, believing we lack the qualifications or talents to pursue them. However, using our abilities to bless others is the Father’s desire for His people.
While watching one of Ken Heidbrecht’s teaching videos on his YouTube channel, I came across Josh’s handiwork: a beautifully designed flat earth model, resplendent with flashing LED lights, proudly displayed on Ken’s coffee table.
As a proponent of biblical cosmology, I was keen to delve deeper. So I contacted Josh to explore his faith journey and discover what inspired him to design and create the Circle of the Earth Wood Models.
Hi Josh. Let’s begin with your testimony and how your faith journey led to this project.
My testimony is about as boring as they come. I’ve grown up in and have lived in South Carolina my entire life. I’ve been Southern Baptist my whole life. But honestly, I would have had to describe myself as lukewarm. I was living a “good” life, was doing all the “right” things, etc. But I wasn’t particularly excited about my faith. It was just what I had always done and believed. Before the past couple of years, I hadn’t really ever questioned much of anything about it.
What motivated you – a commercial architect by profession – to investigate the architecture of Yah’s Creation? What was the catalyst?
Once Covid hit in 2020, I fell into what seemed like a never-ending series of rabbit holes that ended up with me questioning a lot of what I thought to be true. With the farce of the “pandemic” and all governments worldwide walking lock-step in agreement on how to handle it, it opened up my eyes to the fact that everyone, especially those in power, could be “in on it,” whatever the “it” de jour happened to be. Watching the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election and how little any of it made sense and saw just how openly the media would twist facts and outright lie, I was opened up to the reality that it’s called “political theatre” for a reason. It is all a show. Realizing that the public could be lied to on a massive scale opened me up to all sorts of truths.
I had always been fascinated with space and especially the “sci-fi” genre of television shows and movies. I grew up loving Star Trek: Next Generation. When reading the comments on random articles that dealt with space, I would see the occasional person post something about the Earth being “flat.” I would pass it off as someone being funny or just trying to be stupid for attention. I finally came across a comment where someone posted a link to the Ewaranon series “What on Earth Happened.” I watched all of those videos. And then sought out some more.
Educate Your Child Using The Creation Standard
Josh Keefe of Founded Earth Brothers has developed interactive science classes that help the Father’s word come alive for young minds. Check out the interview.
Finally, when I saw a video of a guy on a beach in California filming oil rigs 7 and 9 miles off the coast and then showing how the curvature math didn’t work, I was sold on the idea of “flat earth.” Then I went and reread a lot of passages in the Bible (and discovered several I didn’t know about like Joshua 10), that confirmed this cosmology. It really only took me about a week of researching to cross over to believing in Biblical Cosmology. What I’ve realized with all truth, it makes things so much simpler. For starters, I now know where God and heaven are (right above us). How did they fit the moon buggy on the lunar lander? (it never happened) How did 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? (it was controlled demolition) Why did God make an infinite amount of nothing? (He didn’t, we’re the center of everything)
What inspired you to build these Circle of the Earth models? Are they meant to be tools for homeschoolers, conversation starters, or something else?
It’s all for the kids! In 2022, once I had confirmed and understood Biblical Cosmology, I started looking for something to get for my two kids who were 7 and 9 at the time that reflected the nature of our realm. We had a 3D puzzle globe that hung out in my daughter’s room, but that just made me angry every time I looked at it. My search online for a model that reflected a proper cosmology turned up nothing but cheap-looking snow globes that contained a printed Gleason map on the inside. So, I started imagining what a model could start to look like and I knew that I wanted it to be from a Biblical perspective. As the idea of the model started evolving in my mind, I identified many verses that supported the shape of our realm.
What information did you rely on as your blueprint in designing this model? The Genesis account uses the word ‘firmament’ with the word ‘heaven’ but says very little about the behaviors of the moon and sun. What was your source(s) of information when creating your designs?
The model is created from the Bible. I used Gleason’s map as the basis for the land and sea. I searched out old maps for some artwork to include on the box. Key verses that I included on the model are : 1 Chronicles 16:30, Psalm 96:10, Job 38:3-6, Job 38:14, Psalm 104:5, Proverbs 8:27-30, Genesis 1:6-8, Amos 9:6, Psalm 19:1.
The paths of the sun and moon are taken from the Book of Enoch Chapter 72. The idea came because it allowed me to show how the sun and moon circle over the plane of the earth. The different gates gave a way for people to adjust the location of the sun and moon between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. While it would have been cool to include the “seven heavens” in the model, the material constraints limited how I was able to represent the firmament.
Many believers in the heliocentric globe earth model bristle at the mention of biblical cosmology or ‘flat earth’, saying it is not a salvation issue. Have you encountered this as a rebuttal when trying to explain your views on biblical cosmology? Have you lost friends over your position?
Truth is truth. If the enemy can get you to doubt page one of your Bible, then he has established a foundation to build lies to hide other truths from you. When I first found out about biblical cosmology, I would drop some hints on Facebook that would make a critical thinker question what was being stated. I’ve talked to a few people about it when I felt the door was opened. I’ve debated a few friends about it. But I haven’t lost any friends from talking about it.
Being overly dogmatic about any issue isn’t ever really helpful. It’s also not my job to convince anyone of anything. I point out that there may be other ways to think about certain topics, but I don’t feel I need to go scream it from the rooftops. I’ve had a couple of people respond with the “it’s not a salvation issue.” But I feel that there is a lot more power in prayer when you actually know where to direct them versus just scattering them out to the aether, hoping they float to the right spot.
What materials did you use to construct these models? I love that you added a creative flair – LED lighting to one of the three designs.
Circle of the Earth Model
Circle of the Earth Model
The models are made of a simple 1/8” birch plywood for the box and firmament pieces and a 3mm acrylic for the maps and sun and moon circuit disk.
If a believer in Messiah is ‘on the fence’ regarding biblical cosmology vs the heliocentric globe model that the culture constantly reinforces, what would you suggest they do to investigate the truth of Yah’s creation?
If a believer is on the fence, I would tell them to just accept the fact that they have been deceived and lied to by the enemy to hide God from them and make him seem far away and to make you seem insignificant. If you can’t trust page one of your Bible, why do you believe any of it? Save all the mental gymnastics for the Olympics and trust what Genesis tells you about creation.
If you believe God flooded the earth in the days of Noah, just ask yourself where did the extra water come from? It came from the “waters above” and the foundations of the deep. Yahuah is not the author of confusion. His creation is very simple and easy to understand. The enemy over hundreds of years has made it complicated and confusing. Go walk outside and close your eyes. Then ask yourself “Do I feel like I am spinning faster than the speed of sound.” Trust the senses Yahuah gave you.
How can one order one of your creation models? Do you handle international orders?
Anyone interested in ordering a model can go to the website I created for them, www.yahscreation.com. I can ship internationally, but I ask that anyone outside of the United States email me at josh.boltinhouse@gmail.com with their address so that I can come up with a custom shipping quote.
Tarra Parks’ venture into herbal healing begins with an alarming incident involving contaminated water. As is often the case, when Yah is positioning us for promotion, the first steps of the journey usually begin in a crisis.
I met Tarra and her family at Sukkot last year. During our conversations, Tarra’s passion for finding healing solutions for those in pain gushed forth from a heart committed to serving others. Recognizing this, I asked Tarra if she would consent to an interview to tell the story of Maker’s Mark Herbals and her belief in natural healing. Her response was a resounding, “Yes!”
Q: I alluded to the mission of Maker’s Mark Herbals in my introduction. Explain the personal crisis catalyst that led you to start this business. Where did your interest in herbal solutions to health and healing begin?
Tarra: Thinking back it still feels like a lot, so naturally it may come through as a lot! My family and I moved from Michigan to Texas in 2022. We had a 3-week stay in the Ft. Worth area before moving to our final (so we thought) destination. It was only a matter of a week and a half of us being in the new town that my youngest two children, who were 1 and 3 at the time, began spiking very high fevers. Our daughter, who was 1, spiked a fever so high and so fast that she had a febrile seizure. One of the scariest times of my life was holding my shaking baby, seeing her eyes rolled back into her head with no obvious cause, and not knowing a single person to call on for help. While my husband called 911, I ran around the neighborhood screaming for help, while praying over her as I held her in my arms. After that situation, I was quite shaken up and confused. Both of my babies were born at home, they were healthy in Michigan. What was happening in Texas that was causing their bodies to panic?
It took several more weeks to figure it out, but through a series of events, I concluded it had to be the water they were bathing and playing in. I was able to confirm my suspicions by getting the Texas Commission for Environmental Quality involved. We received a 30-page report of their findings and 22 pages were citations against the city for their improper and neglectful actions at the water department.
That event, in and of itself, wasn’t responsible for the creation of Maker’s Mark Herbals. However, as we were investigating what was going on, we began talking to others in the community. People who had also moved from other parts of the country shared similar stories of unexplained and unresolved sicknesses and ailments. Natives to the community seemed to think that these things were just a normal part of life and that the environment and things that went into their bodies were of no consequence to their overall health. This is when we began to see an opportunity to share what we’ve learned and provide a new perspective on health and wellness with those around us.
Once in a house of our own, and after having whole house water filtration installed, life began to feel a bit more calm. I was able to pull it together to begin preparing our family to join others for Sukkot, and one of the ways I did so was by making elderberry syrup. My husband suggested I make enough to share with the community, to offer something healthy and readily accessible. It took off very quickly! And that is how Maker’s Mark Herbals was born.
Will and Tarra Parks Family
Thinking back to where my interest in herbal solutions began, I’m taken back to my earlier years of motherhood. Our 3rd daughter was born in 2005 and it wasn’t long after her birth that word made it around my family that one of my cousins had just had his two-year-old shots and then stopped talking. My aunt was blaming the vaccinations. Up until that time it had not occurred to me there was the potential of harm from vaccinations. My eyes were opened to the great debate. Through my pursuit to learn all I could I was introduced to a book by Aviva Romm, a MD who was also a herbalist, called “Vaccinations: A Thoughtful Parent’s Guide: How to Make Safe, Sensible Decisions about the Risks, Benefits, and Alternatives”.
I was only 23 at that time, but I had the sense to understand the stated reason for vaccinations; and I also had the faith to recognize that we were created with an immune system and that our Creator knew best what we’d need when He created us. It made sense to me that if we treat our bodies well by healthy lifestyle practices, our immune systems would be able to function well and do their jobs of keeping us healthy.
As situations arose (and we’ve had many), I always looked at and sought alternatives to the norm. Putting herbs to the test and seeing them work in amazing ways is what has kept my interest strong all these years. I am 42 now, and while I have been interested in herbalism for nearly 20 years, I still feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. Even so, the herbs show up and many, many people are finding their own faith in creation, which I pray leads them to an acknowledgment and deeper understanding of our Creator. Psalm 104:14 (KJV) states that Yahuah made herbs for the service of man. He has given us all we need through His creation. What an incredible El we serve! HalleluYah!!
Q: The words Maker’s Mark makes me think of the ‘mark’ that has been placed on all Torah believers. What was your inspiration for the name?
Tarra: Our brand name did not come from either of us. We had reached out to a friend for assistance with designing a logo and it was our friend who named us Maker’s Mark Herbals. It immediately stuck with me. I felt it was perfect – we have a Maker, and He has left His Mark on all creation, including Herbs = Maker’s Mark Herbals.
Our brand is currently in the hands of the Trademark Association. I hope we are granted a trademark because at this time I just cannot envision a better fitting name that would perfectly capture everything we stand for as simply and straightforwardly as our current brand name does.
Q: Functional medicine doctors agree that allopathic medicine practically ignores the connection between nutrition, disease, and aging. But even more shocking, many of us have a distorted opinion of what ‘food’ is. I would venture to guess that 90% of what we find in grocery stores is not ‘food’ in the way the Father intended. How do you define food from a biblical standpoint?
Tarra: I wholeheartedly agree. What is even more shocking to me is the history of how we evolved to this place. When you consider the amount of processed foods that fill grocery store shelves, it’s easy to think you could stay in the safe zone by just shopping the perimeter. Unfortunately, that’s just not so. Genetically modified and hybridized foods – man’s foods – are what grocery stores offer. The biblical definition of food could be a whole separate discussion. Let’s touch on the basics.
For land animals to be considered food, they must have a split hoof AND chew the cud. Sea creatures must have fins AND scales. For vegetation, plants should yield seed after their own kind and trees should bear fruit with seeds in them, after their own kind. In order to increase production and profit, both plants and animals have been altered in one way or another. I don’t know that there is anything available to us in our current day that is as it was in the beginning. The domestication and industrialization of animals and vegetation is what has led to the place we are in. It’s a very tough avenue to navigate daily. It requires a lot of effort and certainly doesn’t offer much convenience. This is a major area where we just seek to do the best we can and ask our Father to protect us and nourish our bodies through the food that we have available to us.
Q: The Daily Mail recently posted agraphic that revealed the forever chemicals that are hidden in popular grocery store items. Shockingly, the accompanying article did not stop there. Research into PFAS revealed that we live in a poison soup bowl of chemical exposure: poisoned landfills, toxic crop soil, toxic tap water, product packaging, air pollution, makeup, electronics, carpets & carpet pads, shampoo, furniture all contribute to destroying our health. This daily exposure has been linked to immune system damage, heart disease, cancer, obesity, autism, and infertility. Knowing this, some may want to throw in the towel on trying to get or stay healthy. What say you?
It’s super easy to become overwhelmed and want to throw in the towel completely. I have never felt entirely without hope, but I have felt very overwhelmed at times. What I try to encourage others and myself with is remembering we should give our thoughts only to controlling our controllables, and surrender what we cannot control entirely to Yahuah. I cannot control the city water that is pumped into my home, but I can make efforts to clean it up with proper filtration methods. Nobody is forcing fast food, processed food, or toxic beverages down my throat. I realize that our many differences affect what is within our control, so my efforts to control my controllables may look different than another person’s, but at the heart of the matter is awareness and intention. Do what you can, improve how you’re able, and aim to simply make your very next choice a healthier one. Keep doing the next right thing time after time and before long you’ll have created healthier habits without becoming so overwhelmed.
Q: Tell us about the typical MMH customer. Where are most people in their health and healing journey by the time they contact you?
Tarra: Our most typical customer has tried pharmaceuticals and either found them to cause very uncomfortable side effects or they’ve found them to be ineffective altogether. Several have come to us with “incurable” diagnoses. As someone who’s been given the same grimm outlook of an “incurable disease” I know what it’s like to receive that news. How do I handle it – I cling to my faith, control my controllables, and aim to do the next right thing. My ability to relate helps me help others empathetically. I’ve also seen herbs show up for many people and give them a renewed sense of joy and purpose in life. It’s really incredible to be in a position to witness such transformation. HalleluYah!
Q: In the past year I was diagnosed with several autoimmune conditions stemming from a leaky gut. After my functional medicine doctor explained the situation, he recommended diet correction (including eliminating all processed foods, seed oils, dairy, and nightshades) supplementation, following blood and other test results. However, one of my healing challenges has been trying to find quality supplements that don’t contain fillers or other contaminants. How hard has it been for you to source the ingredients you use in your product line? What would be your advice for someone like me?
Tarra: 20 years ago, being an ingredient sleuth was challenging, and it certainly hasn’t improved in the right direction. Being on the manufacturing side of the industry and sourcing raw materials has given me an even broader perspective of how great the challenges really are. I have found so many discrepancies between information on websites and what companies share by phone. I don’t trust what’s published on websites. I trust more what I’m told over the phone and via email, but I mostly rely on documentation in the form of COA’s (Certificate of Analysis) and SDS’s (Safety Data Sheet). At the end of the day I am trusting someone, but I go to great lengths to vet every source and supplier.
Tarra Parks
It’s worth mentioning that we don’t have to use many industrial products because we are a small business offering only small-batch products, each one being made, labeled, bottled, and sealed by hand. Many chemicals come into play when machinery enters the mix. The need for fillers to help powders flow better, and solvents to reduce the viscosity of liquids for better flow. Industry impacts a lot. We hope to grow but we will never accept growing beyond what we believe is the very best we can offer. My advice would be to understand that you really need to have your own understanding of your body and how it works, and find someone you can trust along that journey to understanding.
Q: The good news is we are learning that those who have been diagnosed with conditions such as diabetes, dementia or other debilitating illnesses are seeing remarkable improvements and/or positive health outcomes through nutrition. What role do you think Maker’s Mark Herbals play in this?
Tarra: In the year-and-a-half of us being an established company, we have been blessed to have a role in helping many people improve and overcome a variety of conditions, including cataracts, osteoarthritis, pulmonary fibrosis, hormonal imbalances, allergies, osteomyelitis, bronchitis, migraines, inflammatory pain, tension pain, TMJ, nutritional and mineral deficiencies, traumatic wounds including severe burns and internal abscesses, infections, fatigue, kidney and gallbladder stones, cold sores, infant colic, teething and tooth disorders, recovery from surgery, male pattern baldness, alopecia, seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff, eczema, vertigo, healing from miscarriage, endometriosis, and cysts. I am sure there are situations I am not aware of or that I am not recalling!
Q: What is your vision for the future of MMH? How can this community of believers support your efforts?
Tarra: We have put the future of Maker’s Mark Herbals in our Father’s hands. We see ourselves as mere vessels for His kingdom’s work. We pray daily to be aligned with His will, and we pray about each and every opportunity afforded to us to grow and expand.
We have opted out of opportunities that offer the potential to grow faster than what we feel we can handle, even though some have felt exciting! We believe if He brings us to it, He will help us through it and we lean on The Ruach to guide us. We hope to be around for a good long while, and maybe even pass things down to our children if we ever have to step out of our roles. We are in it for the long haul, as long as He wills.
Ken Heidebrecht lives in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia. It is a land of historic lighthouses, vibrant music, and wine. How fitting for a man whose mission in life is spreading the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Ken shepherds two ministry efforts — Hanging On His Words and Mountains Into The Sea — both of which can be found on YouTube. It is my belief that Ken is part of a younger generation of men who our Messiah has raised up to challenge false doctrine. When you survey his online catalogue of teaching videos, and listen to his music, several things become crystal clear:
He is not afraid to tackle contentious religious topics
He has a gift for making the complex understandable
He loves Scripture
He loves people
Although we have yet to meet face-to-face, I feel as if I know him. (Yah has a way of bringing believers together that way.) We connected via email over a year ago when he reached out after reading a copy of our book The Gospel Worth Dying For. Our purpose behind writing the book was to pull together all the pieces of the Gospel of the Kingdom message in one place. Ken’s endorsement served as a witness that what we had written was cohesive, comprehensive, and honored our Father in Heaven.
Ken Heidebrecht
Who Is Ken Heidebrecht?
When you visit Ken’s ministry channels, subscriber comments echo my impression of this remarkable brother in the faith. Here are just a few of the reactions he gets from followers and supporters from all over the world:
As one of thousands who has been profoundly impacted by Ken’s ministry, I was curious to know more about him — his background, challenges, and outlook on life through the lens of the Gospel. He graciously responded to my request for an interview.
Brenda: We are told that the Word of Yah is a mirror, reflecting the true condition of our soul. When you gaze into that mirror, who do you see?
Ken: When I gaze into that mirror I see two things. I see a man who continues to age through the frailty of mortality (which is why I need Jesus to resurrect me), but also a man whose appearance slowly reflects the character of God’s Son each time he approaches the mirror. I try to approach the mirror in light of how James constructs his teaching in the first chapter of his brief epistle. When I keep practicing the commandments of God (which is what doing the Word means in his letter), I can leave the washroom after looking at myself in the mirror and remember what it is that I looked like in that reflection. If I don’t actually do the good works of the Law, then I will leave the washroom forgetting who it is that I had just seen in the mirror — and worse, others around me won’t recognize who I am either. My life goal is to reflect the light of Christ through my faith AND works, so that the world around me can see the purity of that light and glorify our Father in heaven.
Brenda: Most believers can point to a specific day or experience that convinced them the Bible was true and Messiah real. When did that happen for you?
Ken: I don’t recall ever having a definitive moment where I knew that the Scriptures were true. I grew up reading the Bible and always held a belief in the God of the Bible (though my walk would definitely not reflect that at intermittent stages of my life). There was, however, one particular moment in my life where my faith in Yahweh and His Word was cemented — and that occurred after I reached a very low point in 2012. I cried out to the Father in desperation to know Him more and begged Him to reveal the truth of what life is all about in a tangible and coherent way. Shortly after that prayer, I “stumbled” across certain online ministries that helped open my eyes to truth in Scripture that I had never seen or considered before.
Brenda: You have such a gift for teaching. What led you to start your YouTube ministry Hanging On His Words?
Ken: After Yahweh responded to my prayer in 2012, I began to study His Word more fervently. I craved it like a person who craves a particular food. That passion led to me scouring the internet in an attempt to find others like myself who were studying the Scriptures with fervency, who weren’t afraid to ask good questions, and who could test doctrines without being judgmental and condemning. Over time I met Sean Griffin (Kingdom in Context) on a Facebook chat thread. He noticed my passion and interest in discussion and reached out to me to see if I would be interested in joining a study group that he was a part of. I accepted his invitation, which led to us spending years of studying the Scriptures together. We put to practice the method of iron sharpening iron. Sean decided to start a YouTube channel called Kingdom in Context in 2018 for the purpose of preaching concepts in Scripture that we had both never heard of growing up, but felt were extremely important for the body of Christ to understand. He wanted to reach the masses with the gospel message of the literal Kingdom of God — and I did too. About eight months later, Sean suggested that I also consider starting a channel as he considered me well-versed in the knowledge of God’s Word. I don’t like the spotlight and I don’t like talking on camera. However, I decided that it would be character building for me to try something new and took a step out of my comfort zone. I released my first video in September of 2018 and almost four and a half years later, I can say that I am so thankful that I did. It has been a blessing to hear various testimonies from people saying how the content I have created has blessed, encouraged or helped them. All for the glory of the Father!
Brenda: Your other passion is music. I am amazed at how your lyrics and compositions differ from so-called contemporary Christian and Torah inspired music. Can you elaborate on your process and approach to songwriting?
Ken: When I came into this particular faith walk which involved keeping the covenant commandments of God, comprehending the literal promises of His Kingdom to come, understanding the first resurrection and its timing, acknowledging who the Son of God is and appreciating the various roles that he plays, and the importance of grasping Yahweh’s creation model with all of the intricacies that are interconnected with that — I felt I had to express these ideas through a medium of music.
Ken in his recording studio
Music has been a huge passion of mine ever since I picked up my mother’s brush and pretended it was a guitar at age 6. I quickly recognized that our faith community lacked the type of music that touched on all of the aforementioned concepts in their lyrical content and decided to fill that void by writing and recording new music. I was in bands throughout my teen years, and even produced my own secular music as a hobby when I was in college, so my love for music has always been a part of my life.
When I write a song, I start with a guitar part. Then I take that guitar part and come up with a drum beat. Bass and synthesizer/piano pieces follow that process. Then I think about a topic that I would like to communicate lyrically and begin searching for a melody that can accompany the lyrics. Both melody and lyrics fuse together as I listen to the other parts of the song. That’s typically how I write music.
Brenda: The times in which we live seem to be shrouded in doom, gloom, and negativity. However, as believers we are admonished to stay hopeful. In your opinion, how do we do this?
Ken: Reminding myself about the covenant promises of God is what usually helps me snap out of any periods of fear and depressiveness that I’m in. Meditating on the Scriptures that allude to those promises helps a lot. Knowing what the message that God has tried to communicate to mankind is, is imperative if we are going to navigate the dark barriers of this world. When you know Scripture and what the overarching contextual message is, you can possess the type of confidence that the apostles had even in their time of persecution. Believing that Yahweh and His Son are bringing a massive home down through the sky so that we can all live in it forever as resurrected immortals is a great message to hold onto as the days grow shorter and the darkness increases.
Brenda: As a man of faith, what gives you the greatest joy? What are your most profound challenges?
Ken: What gives me the greatest joy is my comprehension of God’s message to us and how that message has effected the lives of others who also believe it. In John 8:31-32, Jesus told those who had believed the message that the Father had given him that, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” As a humbled disciple of God’s Son, I have come to know the truth that he asserted I would receive if I remain in his word as a disciple. I have seen this come true in my life. I feel liberated. Nothing has given me more joy than to understand and believe what my Messiah taught while he walked the earth in mortal flesh. However, my most profound challenge would be the “abiding” part in that text. I can abide now (though I stumble and fall at times), but when faced with intense adversity and persecution, will I go down defending my faith and the authority of my Messiah as Peter attempted to in Gethsemane the night that Jesus was betrayed, or will I succumb to the pressures of Babylon and deny him as Peter also did hours later when Jesus was being held in a mock trial? I’m preparing my mind and my heart to abide for the long run.
Brenda: What is your recipe for perseverance?
Ken: Remaining steadfastly glued to the Word of God and being in some sort of a community with others who also love God is my current recipe for perseverance. We all need fellowship with others who share the same love for the Scriptures, and the God of those Scriptures. We need to be encouraged by our scattered body of fellow believers. We need to lay the infighting aside, and work on edification and lifting each other up. The Adversary wants to divide and conquer. He wants us isolated and fearing everyone and everything. The way that we combat that and persevere will be through the power of the Holy Spirit working in the lives of those who can love God and love their fellow brothers and sisters too.
Brenda: What is the best advice you can give someone new to Torah?
Ken: The best advice I can give is — don’t let yourself get overwhelmed. Enjoy the journey. The Father opened your eyes and He will guide you along the way. I have been trying my best to keep the instructions of God (Torah) for over 10 years now and I still have a lot to learn. Yahweh knows your heart and knows your desire is to please Him and to love Him the way that He receives love, so don’t be too hard on yourself or others around you who haven’t been awoken to the beauty of His liberating Law. Also, refrain from seeking the council of those within Judaism. I have personally seen people get sucked into that religion of man-made tradition and it defeats the original purpose of trying to keeping Yahweh’s commandments through faith and love.
Brenda: Anything else you would like to share?
Ken: In closing, I would just like to encourage you. You can know the Word that our heavenly Father communicated to His prophets of old. You can comprehend the message that He so desperately wants us all to clue into. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Don’t allow the Enemy to fluster you and kick you while you are down (you will have down times – that’s where Jesus helps us as our High Priest in the tabernacle above). Disciple after the ways of your Messiah and seek a community of believers who share the same passion and love for the Creator as you do. You can do this! It’s God’s will for you to do this! It’s why we were all created in the first place.
I am profoundly grateful for young men like Ken Heidebrecht who encourage brothers and sisters in the faith. It is through their painstaking research, which involves testing Bible canon against ancient books banned by religious gatekeepers, that believers in Messiah have been motivated to test the scriptures for themselves. In doing so we are finally able to see and hear what the Spirit is saying. I believe that when the Gospel of the Kingdom is fully understood and embraced, it will stiffen our resolve to live courageously, righteously, and faithfully.
If you haven’t already, please take time to check out Hanging On His Words and Mountains Into The Sea. Ministries like these deserve our prayers and support. You can support Ken’s efforts financially by clicking on the links below.
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