“Truth has fallen in the street!” The prophet Isaiah’s pronouncement resonates as loudly in the age in which we live as it did for ancient Israel and Judah. As is often the case, over time the rulers and judges whose job it was to promote truth and justice became derelict in their duties. As a result, the people suffered. We see the same thing happening today.
Today’s youth, particularly those from Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2021), seem to have distanced themselves from the concept of objective truth. Instead, they interpret the world through perspectives labeled as “my truth” or “your truth.” Yet, the idea of objective truth is deeply embedded in the Scriptures, first appearing in the prologue of the Gospel of John.
And the Word became flesh and pitched his tent among us, and we saw his esteem, esteem as of an only brought-forth of a father, complete in favor and truth. John/Yahanan 1:14 Halleluyah Scriptures
Actually, most of John’s writings stressed the importance of truth and its relevance to the Gospel message. In Proverbs 23:23 we are instructed to “buy the truth and sell it not.” Why? Because the Scriptures equate truth with reality, showing us how things really are in this earthly realm in which we live. In a theological sense, the notion of truth is inseparable from the character, purposes, and divine nature of Elohim. Ultimately, truth is the cornerstone of Yah’s invisible Kingdom now, and the future Millennial Kingdom on Earth, where righteousness will prevail.
Defending Truth in the Age of Deception and Misinformation
Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Educator Josh Keefe has witnessed first-hand how misinformation has permeated many of today’s academic institutions. During his 16-year background in education, Josh has observed the year-by-year creep of pseudoscience into the classroom. He can also bear witness to the elevation of evolution and heliocentrism dogma over intelligent design and biblical cosmology. No longer content with the status quo, Josh is now ready to take his professional and faith life in a new direction with the launch of Creation Standard.
Q: You shared with me how wrestling seems to be a metaphor for your experience as both a student and teacher. Can you articulate how your wrestling background as a young man brought you to this point in your life?
Before I entered high school, I had struggled to pass each grade level and had no desire to go to college. Fortunately, the Father had other plans as wrestling gave me a reason to pass my classes and the motivation needed to attend college. It was also used to help teach me how to pray and keep my mind off of the distractions of this world.
Q: In your faith journey, describe how you wrestled with mainstream thought regarding evolution and geocentrism. When did you deviate from this mode of thinking based on what you believe the Scriptures say about both?
When I first started teaching, a couple of unique circumstances led to me being placed into an earth science classroom. Ironically, they handed me a globe and showed me how I could use it to teach the Coriolis effect. Fortunately, our Father’s mercy endures forever and He would eventually work some miracles in my life that would cause me to question everything that went against His truth. Evolution was the first lie to fall apart but I still needed more answers so I asked the Father to “show me the truth about creation no matter how crazy it sounds.” I can say from this experience, “be careful what you ask for” as this prayer was answered promptly. Within a couple of days, I joined a scientific community of truth seekers that were putting the sun god worshipping model to the test. It became clear that there is far more proof of Biblical cosmology than there ever was for the sun god worshipping model. I began sharing the overwhelming proof online, but of course, this is frowned upon if you’re a science teacher, so I was called to the office a total of 3 times to be reprimanded for my online teachings.

Q: Tell us about your new project The Creation Standard. On your website, you describe it as “a weapon of mass instruction.” What is this ‘weapon’ aimed at?
My goal as a teacher was to save my own students from the lies by creating lessons that would expose the fraudulent evidence of evolution for what it is while also opening their eyes to the truth of intelligent design. I knew there were other less fortunate students out there being exposed to false science, but I didn’t realize what a battlefield it was until they changed my role and placed me in classes with teachers that were teaching evolution as if it were a fact. I realized then that our children are in a war and they need to be armed with truth on a level that went beyond the students in my own classroom. This led me to envision a program that would do just that and arm students with the Father’s provable truth of creation so that it could be used as a weapon to cut through the lies of this world that are set against eliminating the Father and the son from the hearts and minds of our children.
Q: What is the ‘standard’ that this new teaching environment aspires to achieve?
Our creation standards will use the Father’s provable truth of creation to put the traditional standards to the test. Students will be using real science experiments and observations to create a foundation of truth that will protect them from the lies of this world.
Q: From a theological standpoint, truth must align with the character of Yah. Describe your approach to truth-seeking in the context of The Creation Standard. How will you help your students identify and distinguish fact from fiction or opinion? How will you help them critically assess the quality of information they’re considering to arrive at conclusions?
A big part of the journey with Creation Standard is seeking our Father’s guidance and love as we compile the evidence that supports His provable truth of creation. With this guidance at work, we’ll be putting what is deemed to be worldly facts on display and breaking down why such evidence necessitates fraud and bias.
Q: Your debut course offerings include subjects such as Earth’s Foundation, Firmamental Breakdown, Introduction to Intelligent Design, and Biological Design. In terms of teaching methodology, how do you prevent these classes from becoming indoctrination environments?
When I was a student, the scientific method wasn’t something we used often. We were instead presented with evidence that if true would go against the Bible. Instead of proving all things, we were led to “believe all things.” With Creation Standard, we will be undoing this damage by “proving all things” and letting the truth speak for itself.
Q: Describe how this virtual classroom experience will play out for both students and parents. What learning aids such as books, reading lists, and/or school supplies will be needed for this first semester?
The instruction will be available in both a pre-recorded and live lecture format. This will allow students to work at their own comfortable pace if they can’t join us live. The only essential supplies are of course the Holy Spirit’s guidance, a device to access the online classroom, and materials for documenting the learning experience.
Q: How much Bible knowledge are you expecting from students who enroll? How do you navigate the turbulent waters of ‘doctrine’ stemming from the multitudes of Bible translations available as well as denominational dogma?
I try my best to avoid using language that is for or against certain denominational beliefs. However, this is a major challenge as the students joining us have diverse backgrounds. I will not be able to accommodate all beliefs and backgrounds, but I will lean on my Father’s guidance to accomplish this task in a peaceful way.
Q: By the time this interview is published, classes will have started. Is it too late for parents to enroll their children? Is there a ‘pass/fail’ system in place as a measurement tool for growth?
It’s not too late to join, but the sooner you start, the faster you can get caught up and join the live lectures. The live interactions give students a chance to fellowship with like-minded people and partake in the fun review games that follow most lectures. There will not be penalties for missing work and most assessments are self-graded and will show students mastery upon completion. For other labs and activities, I will do my best to comment on and give grades based on completion.
Q: What is the enrollment deadline?
The course will last 10 months, but if you start late, you can finish later as well and refer back to previous lessons at any time.
Q: Any final words?
If there is anyone considering Creation Standard but doesn’t have the ability to do so due to financial reasons, please reach out to us so that we can help you start this journey. You can send us an email to: thecreationstandard@gmail.com and my wife will provide the guidance needed to get started.
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Follow Josh Keefe here:
Original Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@FOUNDEDEARTHBROTHERS
FEB Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefoudedearthbrothers
Creation Standard Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560966641847
Brenda Ross is a co-author of the book, "The Gospel Worth Dying For." She is a former major market radio and television broadcaster who has served as Single’s Ministry Director at one of Houston’s Memorial Drive-area churches, a Jews for Jesus staff volunteer, and participated in mission outreach activities in Costa Rica, Mexico, and China. Urban mission experience includes volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity and catering to the homeless in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district.